woensdag 7 september 2011

Make money online with Nano-Continuity.

That is right, continuity income is what separates the wannabes from the milionairs!

Whoever Said content is King Was Full Of Sh*t! Continuity is the REAL King!
I'll tell you from experience, knowing that thousands of people are paying you every month (month after month) for your products/services is sweet indeed.

Waking up on the first of the month to know you are GUARANTEED $5K or $59K per month is hard to beat. And keep in mind, that is with ZERO promotion.
The funds flows in month after money-making month.

But there is a challenge.

In the work of the past 23 months, there has been a large alter in online continuity programs.

Continuity Has Become ALMOST Impossible!


You was one time able to basically generate a $27, $47 or even a $97/month continuity program with halfway first rate content and still have people signup (and stay).

Those days are gone.. and probably gone forever.

Conversion for continuity is in the toilet!
Retention has gone from three.5 months to less than one
Cancellations are up
Refunds are up
Chargebacks are up
Free trials are dead (the merchant account providers killed those last year!)

So after doing plenty of behind-the-scenes tweaking alone business (and my coaching client is businesses), I've come up with a brand spanking new continuity technique that solves every challenge (and even goes way beyond traditional continuity programs!)

Little Cost, High-Converting NANO CONTINUITY Programs!

Nano Continuity is here and it is here to stay.

That is right.

By lowering the cost to under $5 per month, you get so plenty of benefits.

7 Reasons Why You MUST Generate Nano-Continuity Programs

Nano Continuity is the present and the future. Here are my favourite reasons to embrace this new model now.

Recurring Revenue: its lovely knowing you have three,000 people paying you $5 each month with no additional hard work (that is $15K per month!)
Higher Conversions: because of the low cost, your conversion rate will soar!
36 Times Higher Retention: why accept three months when you can have people stay for 3+ YEARS!
Higher Lifetime Customer Value: these clients have raised their hands and will spend more on the backend forever.
The ULTIMATE List: forget building a free list. This is a list of buyers who pay you month after month!
Simple to Generate: you can crank out nano continuity programs in less than 30 minutes flat
Hassle-Free: literally set it and forget it. Your nano programs run themselves so there is no need for virtual assistants!

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