Nokia has added a WhatsApp button for instant messaging to its new Asha 210 smartphone — the first phone to do so.
The mobile manufacturer announced this week that the low-budget Asha 210 ($72), which supports Wi-Fi and 2G connections, will highlight the messaging service WhatsApp via ample real estate on the hardware itself. (Note: WhatsApp is available for various platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry 7 and more).
WhatsApp allows you to send a private message to your phone contacts for free, similar to BlackBerry Messenger, to eliminate texting fees. The company told Mashable earlier this month that it has more than 200 million monthly users — compared to BBM's 60 million users — and more than 8 billion inbound messages a day (12 billion outbound). Read more...
More about Mobile, Nokia, Whatsapp, Tech, and Apps SoftwareRead More... [Source: Mashable - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]
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