zondag 21 april 2013

Redditor Turns Simple Nerf Guns Into 'Borderlands 2' Replicas


If you want to bring pieces of your favorite game to life, sometimes all it takes is a little bit of paint and your favorite toys

Redditor DrBeakerMD posted the above photos of four Borderlands 2-inspired weapons he created for his "end of high school celebration." But before you worry about danger and gun violence, all four were crafted from completely harmless Nerf guns.

Borderlands 2 is a shoot-and-loot FPS where you can pick up hundreds of thousands of guns; the box copy actually says "bazillions", DrBeakerMD picked four models and created detailed replicas. He described the process on Reddit, saying he disassembled the gun, sanded off the Nerf logo, and then applied different coats of paint Read more...

More about Reddit, Gaming, Entertainment, Borderlands 2, and Nerf
Read More... [Source: Mashable - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

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