woensdag 29 mei 2013

This Is What Happens When a Toddler Tries on Google Glass


It's tough to be a kid. You may not have a job to commute to or bills to pay, but you do have to navigate a world that is, in every way, too big for you — a world that is, understandably but also frustratingly, optimized for adults.

The video above is a nice (and ADORABLE) reminder of that: The kid-perspectived footage that resulted when a 2-year old tried on his dad's Google Glass. And so is the video below: the viral hit from 2012 that showed a hide-and-seek game from a kid's perspective (via the MacGyvered version of Glass, the helmet-cam).

Google Glass, if it catches on, promises to make these types of POV videos more common — and, in the process, to make it an ordinary thing to show other people what the world looks like to you, and for you Read more...

More about Kids, Cute, Apps Software, Gadgets, and Lifestyle
Read More... [Source: Mashable - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

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