maandag 26 november 2012

Teen Star of ‘Two and a Half Men’ Tells Viewers to Stop Watching Show [VIDEO]

Actors typically promote their television shows to the public, as a large viewership means high ratings -- not to mention continued employment. But Angus T. Jones, the 19-year-old star of sitcom Two and a Half Men, is doing the exact opposite.

In a new YouTube video, below, Jones tells viewers to "stop watching" his show, calling it "filth." (Check out his appeal at the 7:45 mark.)

"If you watch Two and a Half Men, please stop watching Two and a Half Men. I'm on Two and a Half Men; I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it. Please stop filling your head with filth," says Jones, who has been on the show since 2003. "People say, 'It's just entertainment.'"

"Do some researc…
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More About: Angus T. Jones, two and a half men

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