zaterdag 9 maart 2013

You Will Be Googled


Kevin Nakao is a guest contributor for Mashable and CEO of Meritshare. You can follow him on @knakao or on his blog.

Chances are high that a recruiter or hiring manager will Google you online before offering you an interview or job. Search insiders tell me that non-celebrity people searches account for more than 10% of Google’s search volume.

Here are five easy things you can do to manage your online reputation.

1. Google Your Name

Admit it, we've all Googled our names. Make sure you are logged out of Google so you see standard versus personalized results. Think of the first page of results for your name search as your home page. Studies show the first page of results get 90% of the click-through volume. Now look for anything negative in the next 5-10 pages. If you have a fairly common name and share it with some dubious characters, start using a middle name and initial on your LinkedIn profile, resume and job application.

Read More... [Source: Mashable! - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

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